- What are Clans?
- How do Clans work?
- What is Valor? What is Silver?
- What is a Clan Chest?
- What is the Clan War?
- What is Income, and how do Goblins work?
- What can I buy with Clan Silver?
- I do the task but it does not count
- How do Silver Boosters work?
- What is the Black Market?
- How do Clan Ranks work? How do I get a higher Rank?
- Why is my Clan not positioned correctly on the Leaderboards?
- What happens to my Clan armor/weapons if I change Clans or drop divisions?
- How do I level up my Fort/Tank?
- Why am I unable to register for/enter the Clan War?
- Why is my Clan matched against such powerful, more competitive Leaderboard Clans?
- I cannot promote all 4 officers